Dog Days

BSc Projects:
Grade A3 (First)

Download the Max Patch from Github.

With my generative film Dog Days, I attempt to  capture my dog Penny’s experience of time during lockdown. I filmed a week of Penny’s life and wrote a Max/MSP patch that extracts six random 5-second portions in sequence, morning to bedtime, amounting to one 30-second day. I evoke the experiential nature of time, giving as much space to Penny’s shorter but intense interactions with the environment as to her longer rests. Displaying four days simultaneously provides a choral feeling of these shifting speeds of Penny’s days, conveying their arbitrariness and interchangeability. The program selects one day to play sound, changing randomly.

Demo of an instance of Dog Days running

Presentation explaining my concept and execution

About Me:
AHRC-funded Doctoral Researcher -Hacking the Big Smoke: Alternate Reality and London’s Archaeology

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©2024 DY & Maximiliano Wardle